The Fertility Rate Video

The Fertility Rate Video for Canada

You have landed on the post about the fertility rate video. Canada’s fertility rate recorded its lowest fertility rate ever. Many factors are behind this, such as the economy, house prices, birth control, education, and more. This video takes a look at how our neighbours to the south, the United States, is doing in terms of fertility. Beyond the US, the countries of Singapore and South Korea will be looked at to see how people deal with low fertility rates and to see if there are common causes between them and Canada.

fertility rate video for Canada

The Fertility Rate Video Looks at Other Countries

The US, South Korea, and Singapore were looked at in this video. The reasons why their fertility rates are the way they were are similar to why Canada’s fertility rate has been as low as it is. Singapore has a rare family that went above and beyond and disregarded the barriers by raising seven kids and keeping an intact family.

The History of Fertility in North America

Canada and the United States haven’t always had a low fertility rate. If you go back to the year 1800 you will see that mothers were cranking out seven kids in their lifetime. As time has went on the number of kids mother expect to have has slowly gone down, mainly due to the economy developing and people moving into urban cities.

Lots of Fun Editing the Video

It’s quite fun to create little videos with informative graphs and cheesy video editing techniques. You’ll find lots of videos overlaying other videos, a lot of soft masks used in transitions, and a few other editing techniques borrowed from movies that are decades old by now.

Watch the Fertility Rate Video

Watch the video below and read the full article here.

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