5 Useful Lessons from the Amish Lifestyle


The Amish people live a self-sustaining lifestyle centered around community, efficiency, practical skills, and use of natural resources. In addition, it’s a lifestyle that is hardly affected by economic downturns. Let’s learn how it’s done.

The Amish

The Amish, also known as the Amish Mennonite, are a North American religious that belongs to the Old Order Amish Mennonite Church. The church started in the late 17th century among followers of Jakob Ammann. They are mainly known by outsiders for rejecting most of modern society’s social and technological changes and innovation. Despite that, they are hardly affected by non-environmental issues such as economic collapse. They live in sustainable living communities where they grow or make everything without depending on modern technology.

Day-to-Day Skills That Get Them Through the Day

The Amish use the following for their day-to-day survival:

  • Natural power
  • Knowing & using local resources
  • Growing & preserving food
  • Do it Yourself (DIY) mentality
  • Being active community members

Natural Power

wind turbine

The Amish use natural, off-grid power. Electricity and fossil fuel power comes in the form of wind, solar, and water, and gas power. These methods are used to power tools and appliances, such as fridges, freezers, milk machines, and hydraulic powered motors. All of these tools make business more efficient. Using these methods fits with their tendency to not waste, as they value thrift and efficiency.

They are the go-to people for solar power, wind turbines, horse training. In addition, depending on where you are they can give you info about the uses and seasonal feasibility of solar generators, solar power, and wind energy.

Knowing and Using Local Resources

The Amish know the available local resources that can thrive in the nearby area. This includes things such as:

  • grass & produce types that can grow
  • how to grow them
  • berries that are safe to eat
  • poisonous berries
  • wood types for cooking and/or building with

Growing and Preserving Food

Amish growing & preserving food

The Amish have off-grid ways to grow & preserve food. To understand the basics of growing food, check out this article here. Hydraulic motors allow for more efficient processing. Solar powered fridges , solar-powered freezers, and canning are some ways to preserve food. Canning preserves food at room temperature using air-tight containers, such as a Mason jar.

Do it Yourself (DIY) Mentality

The Amish teach their kids until the eight grade. After that, they teach their kids a trade. Homeschooling is rare, as it goes against the community mentality. Most have one profession or specialty, along with other additional skills to run their business or house. Skills include fixing furniture, horse training, and making clothes. If there’s a skill that they don’t have or a skill that needs special knowledge they trade for it.

Being an Active Community Member

Amish community

There is safety in numbers. Amish people trade goods and services. They help each other when needed. They don’t have a church, but instead open their own homes to the community for church services.


There’s people out here that aren’t affected by the economy, including the Amish. Know of other ways to bypass economic downturns? If so, what are they? Leave a comment below with your answer and share the content!

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