How You’re Connected to the Cloud and Internet
Let’s pick up where we left off from the second-half of the fertility article. Did you know that you may be connected to the cloud and/or the Internet in ways similar to movies such as Terminator or The Matrix? Biosensors did this as sensing devices that measure molecules known as biomarkers. Biosensors are electrically made out of your tissues because your body is always electric and doesn’t turn off. Here’s how it works:
- Biomarkers bind to recognition molecules, which can either be an antibody, aptamer, or an enzyme.
- This creates signal generation inside a disposable device, where the signal is either optical, electronic, or magnetic.
A disposable sensor device translates and displays the signal into a user friendly and easy to understand data or information.
They also detect samples taken from interstitial fluid, which is the fluid found in the spaces around your cells. It comes from substances that leak out of blood capillaries (the smallest type of blood vessel).
And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
Matthew 4:18 – 4:19 of the King James Version of the Holy Bible
The Things in Your Body That Are Used as Biosensors
Your DNA can be used as a biosensor. It’s an interface between chemistry and biology. DNA is the starting material used to make all sorts of structures, which can be decorated with different nano-materials.
The Networking Used to Connect Your Body to the Internet
Your body is on a wireless BAN attached to the cloud, making you a node, similar to a computer, on a computer network. A body area network (BAN) is a wireless network of wearable computing devices. It’s also known as a
- wireless body area network (WBAN)
- a body sensor network (BSN)
- or a medical body area network (MBAN)
You can find them
- inside the body as implants or pills
- worn on the body in a fixed spot
- or may be accompanied devices people carry in different spots, such as in clothes pockets, by hand, or in various bags
These networks include
- multiple small body sensor units (BSUs)
- and a single central unit (BCU)
The funny part is that you can use decimeter (tab and pad) sized smart devices as
- data hubs or gateway
- a way to view and manage BAN apps through a user interface
A WBAN system can use WPAN wireless technologies as gateways to reach longer ranges. This connects the wearable devices on the human body to the internet.

How Other Devices Communicate with Your Internet-Connected Body
A personal area network (PAN) is a computer network that connects electronic devices within your workspace. It transits data among devices like computers, smartphones, and tablets. They let your personal devices communicate together, or they can connect to a higher level network and the Internet where one master device becomes the gateway. It can be wireless or wired via things like a USB. A wireless personal area network (WPAN) is a PAN carried over a low-powered, short-distance wireless network technology such as IrDA, Wireless USB, Bluetooth, NearLink or Zigbee. It can reach a few centimeters to a few meters.
Connecting Your PAN to Other People’s PANs
Zigbee is an IEEE 802.15.4-based specification for a communication protocol suite used to make personal area networks with small, low-power digital radios, such as for home automation, medical device data collection, and other low-power low-bandwidth needs, designed for small scale projects which need wireless connection. Zigbee is a low-power, low-data-rate, and close proximity wireless ad hoc network.
The US FCC Gave MBANs a Clean Bill of Health
In 2012 the US FCC approved a spectrum for medical body area networks (MBANs). They allotted the frequencies between 2360 and 2400 megahertz. Part of the spectrum that was returned to the commission when TV shifted from analog to digital.
Light-Speed MBAN & PAN Communication
Everybody loves fibre Internet. It makes use of optoelectronics, which uses electronic devices and systems that find, detect and control light. It can be used for
- optical fibers for high-speed communications
- LEDs for Lighting and Displays
- lasers for communications and sensing
- photodiodes for detection and imaging
- photovoltaics for solar energy
Optoelectronics & 5G Match on Tinder
Analysts arranged optoelectronics and 5G networks to match on tinder. They have suggested that 5G could be the golden ticket to virtual reality and artificial intelligence, and promised that graphene could improve technologies within electronics and optoelectronics. Graphene-based photodetectors and modulators that will be part of 5G offer high-speed data transmission at 100Gbps per second, but it also does it 10 times more efficiently than silicon or doped silicon devices, and will eventually do it more cheaply than those devices.
When Routing Gives WBANs Those Gains
WBANs have limited limited battery capacity, delay, and data transmission reliability. Regarding medical monitoring, they need
- minimum energy consumption
- maximum satisfaction with the QoS requirements
This is why the the EARP protocol was made. It’s an energy-aware routing protocol (EARP) that makes a fuzzy control model composed of remaining node energy and link quality, and the best forwarder node is determined by the processes of fuzzification, fuzzy inference, and defuzzification. The proposed EARP has better performance than the existing EERDT and M-TSIMPLE protocols based on extending network lifetime and improving the reliability of data transmission.
Human Body Frequency Chart
Here’s a cool graphic showing the frequencies in different parts of your body.

Introducing Biophysics
Biophysics is a scientific field where scientists from many fields including math, chemistry, physics, engineering, pharmacology, and materials sciences, use their skills to explore and develop new tools for understanding how biology works.
How People Communicate With your WBAN
Below is how your WBAN connects to the Internet so that medical experts can take care of you.

What are the Different Types of Radiation?
Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is made of waves that have electric and magnetic energy. The electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) has different types of energy waves, ranging from low to high energy waves. Radio waves are an example of low energy waves and gamma rays are an example of high energy waves.

How Industrial Cyberphysical Systems Will Talk to You
Cyberphysical systems (CPSs) allow for real-time Internet communication with devices, systems, organizations, and humans. Industrial CPS (ICPSs) blur cyber & physical worlds to start systemwide collaboration and information-driven interactions among all stakeholders of the value chain.
How Your Cell Behaviour Can be Controlled
Cell behavior is regulated by endogenous bioelectrical cues originating in the activity of ion channels and pumps, operating in a wide variety of cell types. Instructive signals mediated by changes in
- resting potential control proliferation
- differentiation
- cell shape
- and apoptosis of stem, progenitor, and somatic cells
Cells are regulated by their own Vmem but also by the Vmem of their neighbors, forming networks via electrical synapses known as gap junctions. Spatiotemporal changes in Vmem distribution among non neural somatic tissues regulate pattern formation and serve as signals that trigger
- limb regeneration
- induce eye formation
- set polarity of whole-body anatomical axes
- and orchestrate craniofacial patterning
New tools that track and functionally change Vmem gradients in vivo found new roles for bioelectrical signaling and showed the molecular pathways by which Vmem changes are transduced into cascades of downstream gene expression.
Because channels and gap junctions are gated post translationally, bioelectrical networks have their own characteristic dynamics that do not reduce to molecular profiling of channel expression (although they couple functionally to transcriptional networks). The recent data gives a chance to crack the bioelectric code, and learn to program cellular activity at the organ level, not only cell types. Understanding how patterning information is encoded in bioelectrical networks, which may require concepts from computational neuroscience, will have transformative implications for
- embryogenesis
- regeneration
- cancer
- and synthetic bioengineering
Skynet is Real
If you’ve seen the movie The Terminator then you know about Skynet, the highly-advanced computer system that uses artificial intelligence (AI).
In reality outside of movies, Skynet is known as the Global Information Grid (GIG), an automated global surveillance, intelligence, and weapons targeting system modelled after the Internet, a network of networks. It communicates via satellite with drones and deployed forces. Drones, which can be accessed from different locations, use it for targeting their weapons and also feed real-time video to Teleport locations. It’s also equipped with a JTRS radio system that communicates using the Internet protocol. It’s overall goal is to make military assets available on the network as building blocks that communicate using the same internet protocol.

Interestingly, the Wikipedia pages for both Skynet and the Global Information Grid link to each other.

The Formation of the Matrix
Here’s a picture of how the Digital Twin Computing Initiative, lead by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), is taking steps to make the Matrix real. Similar to the Metaverse, they’re making diversified cyberspace easily from highly precise digital information reflecting real-world objects such as things, humans and societies, to achieve not only extremely advanced and profound communications, but also achieve large-scale, high-accuracy predictions and simulations of the future.
Hacking Human Activities Through Radar Sensing
People usually do activities one after another in continuous sequences. The challenge is making an automatic process to segment the sequences and infer useful info on what people are doing. Watch the full video here.
Here’s another video showing the different wireless communication services that are used to communicate with your body.
Nanotechnology in Combat Casualty Care
Legionarius is a company that made smart garments loaded with biosensors. They remotely show where an injury has occurred so medical personnel can remotely apply compression to the injury to control a hemorrhage without a person being near. Graphene has been a popular substrate for sensors because it’s a lot easier to work with. There is a lot of work with implantable sensors, especially with continuous glucose monitoring. Micro or self-powered nano sensors watch biomarkers in either sweat or interstitial fluid instead of blood.
How Medical Staff Keep Tabs on You Anywhere, Any Time
Here’s how your body’s modalities are connected to the cloud and to cellular data using Dynamic Allocation K-Hop Routing. The information made by the body’s medical devices let medical staff to check up on the patient anywhere, at any time. There are three major components in smart healthcare based on 5G and IoT:
- cloud data center
- gateways
- body sensor networks

How WBANs Manage Your Body’s Biosensors
A wireless body area network (WBAN) connects independent nodes that are placed in the clothes, on the body or under the skin of a person. The network expands over the whole human body and the nodes are connected through a wireless communication channel. The IEEE 802.15.6 Standard defines a communication standard optimized for miniaturised low-power devices that are deployed on or implanted inside a human body.
How Electrical Signals Will Be Used as Medicine
The biofield or biological field is a massless field that surrounds and permeates living bodies and affects the body. Biofield science studies the foundations of biology and “energy medicine”, as well as the complex homeodynamic regulation of living systems. Energy medicine is the application of extremely low-level signals to the body.
How to Get Smart Devices to Talk to Each Other
The standard IEEE 802.15.4 is the most used to implement Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). The WSN is a fundamental piece in the rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) in many environments to acquire and transmit data. It transmits data between smart devices as smartphones, smart TV, smart watch, and health monitoring devices. It’s the base of other popular technologies such as ZigBee, 6LoWPAN, and WirelessHART that gives low power consumption of the devices, low rate transmission, and low cost of implementation.

Connecting Your Body to the Internet of Things (IoT)
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of physical devices, vehicles, appliances, and other physical objects that are embedded with sensors, software, and network connectivity, allowing them to collect and share data.
Human Bond Communications Architectures
Check out these artifacts and components on a model human bond communication architecture.

Biosensors Small Enough to be Injested or Injected
Neural dust is a millimeter-scale wireless device small enough to be injected or ingested comfortably by people. It detects electrical activity of nerves and muscles deep within the body, and uses ultrasound for power coupling and communication.

How IBNets Control Implantable Medical Devices
The intrabody network (IBNet) manages implantable medical devices that use ultra low-power electronics and communications to do long-term & continuous healthcare monitoring. Magnetic resonance (MR) coupling is the more suitable and promising technology for the IBNet. This is because the magnetic permeability of the biological tissue is similar to the air, the air, the absence of an external reference or ground, and near-field operation. Overall, the MR coupling conserves energy for long-term implants by enabling low-power communication at lower path loss in the human body.

What is a MAC Address and Why is it in the Vaccine?
MAC stands for media access control. A MAC address uniquely identifies a device on the network.
What Layer Does the MAC Address Route on?
In the OSI model for networking, the MAC is a Layer 2 device. The MAC address is a Layer 2 address. Currently in the Internet era, most devices physically connect together through Ethernet cables or wirelessly with Wi-Fi. Both methods use MAC addresses to identify a device on the network.
Movies and entertainment are never mindless. Some of them can be warnings about what’s coming on the future, or even already present right now. What do you think about all of this? Leave a comment with your response.