Where Did All the Intact Families Go?
Unfortunately, the intact family is slowly becoming a thing of the past in North America. Many factors slowly caused this to happen. The main factors were economic, cultural, political, and religious. Each section will break down how intact families have become less and less common.
How Did This Happen?
Family Life in the United States in the 1960s
When looking at family life of the United States in the 1950s compared to the 1960s, a change in culture happened. Peaceful conformity describes the family life of the 1950s. In contrast, rebellion describes the family life that became more common in the 1960s and afterwards. Freedom and change were the main values of the 1960s. Families became less structured and less tied. Parents were no longer strict and kids were more self-reliant.
Promiscuity Through the Sexual Revolution
In 1960 the federal American government approved the use of the birth control pill. Thus, the Sexual Revolution started. Young people no longer had to worry about unwanted pregnancy and gained freedom in their sex lives.
Television & Media
To many TV or television is fun entertainment. However, TV changed people’s views on culture and politics. Families in the 1960s watched TV they were seeing the world’s gruesome cultural and political events every night. Examples of what could be seen on TV include the Vietnam War and its protests, race riots, and assassinations of President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr. This made a “live for today” attitude, making sexuality and drug use becoming freer and more open at the detriment of family solidarity.
What is an Intact Family?
An intact family is one where a child’s parents are married and still living together.
What traits do intact families have?
Families that are like this have common traits. The main traits are the parent(s) being highly educated and in high-paying jobs. The parents have traditional family roles, with mom looking after the house and kids, and dad focused on making money. The kids in these families have strict parents that they look up to, obey, and respect greatly. Another trait that is linked to these families is experiencing hardship for many years followed by good economic conditions.
Examples of families experiencing hardship followed by good economic conditions are American families in the 1930s and 1940s going through the Great Depression and World War II, followed by the economic and baby boom of the 1940s and 1950s in the United States. Another example is families from different countries coming from poor countries, going to school in an in-demand field of study, then enjoying a high paying job after their studies.

The Model Intact Family – the 1950s American Nuclear Family
The United States in the 1950s had a stigma for families that didn’t stay together. Before this time events of hardship like the Great Depression and World War II forced families to stay together to survive. Afterwards, an economic boom happened in the United States. Families had more money and the ability to get loans to move into nice suburban neighbourhoods. They usually had a mother, father, and two or three kids. Kids were seen as the center of the family. Dad’s role was to make money, which blocked him from being able to spend lots of time with kids. Mom’s role was a housewife and mother, mainly focused on looking after the house and kids.
Other Traits of Intact Families
Arranged Marriages
As of 2020 India is the country where families are most likely to stay together once married. Arranged marriages are India’s most common type of marriage. An IPSOS survey in 2013 found around 74% of young Indians prefer arranged marriages. Though this is true, couples have affairs or multiple partners. They do so without breaking the family apart. In addition, India’s legal system is very connected to religious beliefs, which encourages families to legally stay together.
Legal System
The 1980 Chilean Constitution prior to its revision in 2022 stated the following:
Family is the fundamental core of society.
Chile 1980 (rev. 2021) Constitution, Chapter 1, Article 1
Until Chile entacted Civil Marriage Law in 2004 Chileans lived with rules regarding marriage that are connected to the country’s Constitution. This led to the country being the country with highest rate of intact families behind India as of 2020.
For religion, Atheists & Catholics have the best chance of sticking together after marriage. It is worth noting that Atheists get married at a lower rate than other religions. In addition, families that are religious are likely more traditional and respectful of social rules.

Marriage Traits of an Intact Family
Here are the things couples do that make their partnership last:
- Frequent communication
- Frequent intimacy
- Spending time together instead of with friends
- High levels of trust & respect
- Seeing the future with your spouse
- Emotional investment
- Positive interactions outweighing negative interactions
North America is slowly losing the intact family. This happened gradually, beginning with a rebellion from peaceful conformity and curiosity about different family structures and lifestyles. This was fueled by progressively more challenging economies, promiscuity, the influence of TV and media on people’s attitudes and norms, and more drug use. The families that are still intact possess the following traits:
- Strict, respected parents with high-paying jobs
- Traditional and respectful of society’s rules
- Families that experienced hardship and transitioned into good economic conditions
What things have affected family life where you live? Do you like how family life is in your area? What would you do to make family life better in your community? Leave a comment below with your answers!