The Mysterious 3D Modelling of the Survival Pack

Obligatory Praise God

Yes, praise God, because the first draft of the survival pack is now online.

More Packs

What is this “survival pack” anyway? Times have been getting tough lately for people that are even in well-off nations. The way those mortgage interest rates and for some, the number of reno-victions that are happening, is probably giving people whiplash from trying to keep track of it all. There may also be some that may not be able to participate in regular life due to some life-altering requirements.

What’s in This Pack

Thus, this pack shows the importance of faith in God, learning how to shelter yourself with natural items locally available to you, learning how to tie rope, how to light fire, boiling and cleaning your own water, growing your own food, purifying your air, communicating with people all over the world, and learning how to live without convenient utilities that most of us enjoy daily, such as electricity.

Learning 3D Modelling

After a month of learning 3D modelling without any previous experience various knots have been captured. It would not be very easy or clear to show how to tie some knots without 3D modelling. Why has 3D modelling been so important? Visualizing how to tie specific rope knots can’t easily be done with two dimensions. The other upside of using 3D modelling to show how rope knots are tied is that they can be adjusted if one knot isn’t too clear. There’s definitely going to be at least a couple of knots that are not on point, as this is a work in progress.

survival pack distel hitch knot

Bro, Just Tie the Knots Yourself & Take Pictures

That’s the far less time consuming way to go. There are many upsides of using 3D modelling over taking pictures of the tied rope. For example, the knots can be viewed from any angle, colours for the rope and beams can be changed, the lighting can be changed, and knots can be adjusted. Also, if the colour of the rope and the beams are hard to distinguish, they can be adjusted.

Gardening in the Cold

On top of that, there’s some visuals for making growing those yummy, cold-resistant crops that can be grown, stored, and eaten in some chilly weather. If you’re only able to grow one crop grow potatoes. It will take care of you if it’s your only source of food.

survival pack cold-resistant crops
survival pack cold-weather crops

Communication for All Inflation-Adjusted Budgets

On top of that there’s multiple communication methods that you can use to either listen in or communicate over various distances. Obviously almost everyone’s got a cellphone, but it’s great to have backup means to reach people. Some devices do need licenses to be used, and some don’t. Some cost way too much, and others are a drop in the bucket with a solid return on investment.

There’s more stuff in, like various types of shelter you can build in different conditions. For example, if you’re always on the go then a suitable crib for you to reside in is a tipi.

It’s Your Turn

Who knows? Maybe more stuff will be added. It is a work in progress after all, beginning with the most important stuff. What valuable knowledge would be useful to add to the pack? Besides all of them, which knots are the most challenging to tie? What’s the coldest temperature you’ve grown crops in? Leave a comment below and share the content!

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