What Would the World Look Like if Ancient Rome Was Still Around?
Not much has changed since Jesus was crucified by the Romans, the Scribes, and the Pharisees. At the time Ancient Rome was known as Senatus Populusque Romanus (SPQR), which means the “Senate and the People of Rome” in English. It was founded in the city of Rome in present-day Italy. The Vatican, also known as the Holy See, is the home and central government of the Roman Catholic church, located within the Vatican City city-state enclave in Rome, Italy. Their official languages are Italian and Latin. To this day Ancient Rome influences close to everything to this very day, including
- many languages, such as English, French, Spanish, Italian, and other Romance languages
- the alphabet we read and write in
- our calendars
- the Sabbath day or the day of rest
- political systems through things such as national senates
- the names of continents, such as America
- religion, especially in South or Latin America
- the founding fathers of the United States, who were Freemasons
- the entertainment we enjoy such as sports and movies
It Would Rebrand Itself From Pagan to Papal Rome
Ancient Rome was religiously pagan and believed in many deities or gods. Christianity became the the most popular religion after Jesus died during the first century. Traditional Roman Catholic views say that the Catholic church was born after it separated itself from Christianity when Jesus set Peter apart from other disciples, which made Peter the first pope and creating the papacy. This laid the foundations of Papal Rome. Papal is a term to describe something related to the Pope, which originally meant “father” in Greek. The Vatican City papal states were restored when Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini signed the Lateran Treaty on February 11th, 1929.

And Blend Ancient Rome’s Pagan and Christian Holidays to Appeal to Both Religions
Roman citizens were split between pagan and Christian belief, so holidays were blended together to appeal to both religions. Example holidays with pagan origins include Halloween, Valentines Day, Easter, and Christmas.
And Change the Day of Rest or the Sabbath
In AD 150 before the Jewish revolt of AD 132-135 Ancient Rome deemed Judaism as a legal religion and Christianity as a Jewish sect. First-century Christians kept the seventh-day Sabbath on the day that we know as Saturday. After the Jewish revolt under Bar Cocheba, A.D. 132–135, Jews were condemned and observed the Sabbath on Sunday to avoid persecution. Officially since March 7th, 321 AD people now chill on Sunday because a pagan sun-worshipping Roman Emperor named Constantine. In CJ.3.12.0 of the Codex of Justinian Liber III he mandated Sunday worship when he decreed: “Let all magistrates and people of the city… rest on the venerable day of the sun.” Contrary to this, the first day of the week is Sunday.
And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
Genesis 2:2 of the King James Version of the Bible
Ancient Rome’s Military Would Be Outsourced to Pope-Allied or Catholic Leaders
If the fears of eternal damnation, being labeled a heretic, or events like the Inquisition wouldn’t do enough to control people, an expensive Roman military wouldn’t either. Instead, Papal Rome would get personal protection from various military orders, such as the Order of the Knights Templar, and outsource its military to various monarchs, leaders, and nations favourable to the Pope such as
- Charlemagne of the Holy Roman Empire
- Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany
- the United States after the Civil War & Fourteenth Amendment of 1868
- General Philip Sheridan and His Westward Expansion Through Native American Lands
- Joseph Stalin during the days of the Soviet Union

The Pope’s Bodyguards Would Invent Banking & Inspire Freemasonry
The Order of the Knights Templar, a Catholic military order, would invent banking in Medieval times as early as the year 1130. Between the date of its inception at Jerusalem, in 1118 and 1314, the Order of Knights Templars, had become a powerful and wealthy organization. They recognized allegiance to no power above the Church, of which the Pope was the recognized head. Freemasonry had its origin with the Knights Templar.

And it Would Evolve into the Federal Reserve Bank
The Federal Reserve, a private bank, was made to be the United States’ central bank after a secret meeting on Jekyll Island in November of 1910 between Nelson Aldrich, A. Piatt Andrew, Henry Davison, Arthur Shelton, Frank Vanderlip and Paul Warburg. Its introduction preceded things like fractional reserve banking, being able to make fiat money out of thin air backed by nothing but the collective belief that fiat currency has value, President Franklin D. Roosevelt forbidding the hoarding of gold by through Executive Order 6102 on April 5th, 1933 and President Richard Nixon ending the US gold standard on August 15th, 1971.
They Would Put America’s Companies & Assets for Sale at a Huge Discount

Before the Great Depression Mussolini signed the Lateran Treaty of 1929, which included the Financial Convention to compensate the Holy See for loss of the Papal States. The Kennedys are most famous for Joseph Fitzgerald Kennedy, the former US President. His dad Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., Tom Bragg, and Ben Smith were short-selling the American stock market days before the Great Depression officially began on October 24th, 1929. Curtis D. Ball said this about Kennedy before the stock market crash:
“The feeling around the Street, in succeeding months, was that there were, in particular, three large short-sellers of stock, allegedly, Tom Bragg, Ben Smith, and Joe Kennedy.”
“Of the three mentioned well-known short sellers, Joe Kennedy was allegedly the most important, the most powerful and the most successful. This service, or operation, if such were the case, made him invaluable, but obviously controllable politically, to important -very important -world money people.”
To Let the Vatican Church to Make That Big Guap After the Depression
With the Vatican now carrying those bands Avro Manhattan’s 1983 book “Vatican Billions” showed how the Vatican profited from Great Depression. He said “by 1929, the time of the Lateran Treaty, the Vatican’s State treasure had become an official fund, so that when Mussolini in that same year turned over 1,750 million lire (the equivalent, at that time, of 100 million dollars) to the Vatican as a final settlement of the Roman question, Pope Pius XI, no less a good businessman than Benedict, invested most of this vast sum in America immediately after the market collapse. The move was a profitable one, for, following the great depression of the thirties, the Church reaped colossal profits when the U.S. economy recovered.”

Ancient Rome’s Symbols Would Appear Everywhere
Ancient Rome featured many symbols, some that appeared on their flag-like vexillum military standards, coins, statues, and buildings. Many of them were stolen from the Greeks. However, these symbols included
- the Roman eagle, a bird of prey, known in Latin as the aquila
- a two-headed eagle
- the fasces
- the laurel wreath, the symbol of Roman triumph and military victory
- their ancient battle helmet
- a trident

Using Timeless Symbols Like Eagles
The eagle is found in many other civilizations and kingdoms, such as
- the Nisroch deity in Ancient Babylon
- the Nekhbet deity of Ancient Egypt
- the Shahbaz of Ancient Persia
- the Nekhbet deity of Ancient Egypt
- the Eagle of Zeus in Ancient Greece
- the Roman eagle or aquila found on top of flag-like vexillum military standards
- l’aigle de drapeau, the Imperial French eagle
- the American Bald Eagle of the United States
- the US House of Representatives’ ceiling and on top of the fasces’ mace
- the SS Hoheitszeichen or the Nazi Eagle
- the Dienstflagge der Bundesbehörden, Germany’s government flag
- the war flag of Mussolini’s Italian Social Republic between 1943 and 1945
- the reverse side of the US one dollar bill introduced in 1935
- many countries’ coins with royals and laurel wreaths
The two-headed eagle is found in
- various items of the Ancient Byzantine Eastern Roman Empire
- the imperial banner of the Holy Roman Empire
- Gules, double-headed eagle found on the Russian Empire’s coat of arms
- the Reichsadler of the Holy Roman Empire
And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; A great eagle with great wings, longwinged, full of feathers, which had divers colours, came unto Lebanon, and took the highest branch of the cedar:
Ezekial 17:3 of the King James Version of the Holy Bible
Or the Fasces to Symbolize Ancient Rome’s Authority
The fasces is a bundle of rods and a single axe, the symbol of Ancient Roman authority found in
- the US House of Representatives, each surrounded by laurel wreaths
- the cover of passports of French nationals
- the word fascism
- Nottingham, UK
- Paris, France

Or the Laurel Wreath to Symbolize Military Victory
The laurel wreath is an Ancient Roman and Greek symbol. Romans used it to show military victory. It’s found in the logos and emblems of various organizations to signify Roman victory over the world, such as the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), and United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF).
Ancient Rome’s Language & Symbolism Would Be Seen on National Mottos & Currency
“A Mari Usque Ad Mare” is Canada’s national motto, which means “From Sea to Sea” when translated from Latin to English. The US one dollar bill that was issued in 1935 features the Great Seal of the United States with the Latin motto “annuit coeptis … novus ordo seclorum,” which according to Charles Thomson translates in English to “He [God] has favored our undertakings … a new order of the ages”.

Replicas of St. Peter’s Basilica Would Be Everywhere
As a joke Washington, DC was once named Rome, Maryland. On May 13th, 1664, the Colonial authorities of Maryland issued to Francis Pope a patent for a tract of land of 400 acres situated on Goose Creek, which he humorously renamed to the Tiber Creek, and then named the tract of land Rome, which fell within the lines of the present City of Washington. The US Capitol is situated on or near it. Mr. Pope evidently had a desire to be the “Pope” of “Rome” on the “Tiber.”
Built between 1506 and 1615, many countries around the world have cities with architecture that resemble St. Peter’s Basilica found in Vatican City, a city-state enclave in Rome, Italy. Architecture with Basilica-like domes is found in many international cities such as
- the US Capitol in Washington, DC, USA
- St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, England
- the Pantheon in Paris, France
- the Franzosischer Dom in Berlin, Germany
- St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Russia
- El Capitolio in Havanna, Cuba

Time Would Revolve Around Jesus
The idea to count years from the birth of Jesus Christ was first proposed in the year 525 by Dionysius Exiguus, a Christian monk that lived in the Eastern Byzantine Roman Empire. AD stands for Anno Domini, Latin for “in the year of the Lord”, while BC stands for “before Christ”.
The Pope Would Give Us the Calendar We Use Today
The Gregorian calendar that we use today was instituted by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. Unlike Protestant Europe, it was adopted by many Catholic countries that already recognized January 1 as the beginning of the new year. On the other hand, England used to have new years days on March 25th until switching to the Gregorian calendar in 1752. It explains why
- September, derived from the Latin word septem that means seven, used to be the seventh month
- October, whose name in Latin and Greek means eight, used to be the eight month in the Romulus calendar
- December, derived from the Latin word decem that means ten, used to be the tenth month
The New World World Would be Named After its Explorers
Italy is where Ancient Rome spread from thousands of years ago. North and South America were named after an Italian explorer named Amerigo Vespucci, with his voyages between May 18, 1499 and May 10, 1503. Latin America would get its name by being home to the highest percentage of Roman Catholic believers, the Latin faith of Papal Rome.

The Pope Would Reunite Europe in 2004
European Union leaders signed the European Union Constitution in Rome on October 29th, 2004 while standing at attention with a statue of Pope Innocent X in the center of the room. There’s also a picture of Europe’s leaders taking a picture together beside the statue of Emperor Constantine.

Many Leaders & Monarchs Would Recognize the Jesuits & the Pope

Such as Napoleon Bonaparte
French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte I was an Italian, said this about the Jesuits, or the Society of Jesus:
“But there is a religious society, the tendency of which is highly dangerous, and which should never have been admitted into the territories of the empire — viz., the Society of Jesus. Its doctrines are subversive of all monarchical principles. The General of the Jesuits desires to be sovereign master, the sovereign of sovereigns. Everywhere that the Jesuits are tolerated, they strive for power, at any price. Their society is by nature fond of ruling, and nourishes, therefore, an irreconcilable hatred of all existing power. Any action, any crime, however atrocious it may be, is meritorious, if committed for the interest of the society, or by the orders of its General.”
Abraham Lincoln
When talking about the free American public and popery Lincoln stated “Popery is the antagonist to our free system. No one can doubt that the unusual efforts of despotic foreign governments to spread Popery in the United States, has for its principle design the subversion of our republican institutions.”
Abraham Lincoln also said to Charles Chiniquy about the American Civil War: “This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to Popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to Popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North, on the question of slavery; neither Jeff Davis nor any one of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the .noney and the arms of the Roman Catholics, even the arms of France, were at their disposal, if they would attack us. I pity the priests, the bishops and the monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize that they are, in great part, responsible for the tears and the blood shed in this war; the later the more terrible will the retribution be.”

Joseph Stalin
On December 13, 1931 German Author Emil Ludwig interviewed Joseph Stalin and asked Stalin about the Jesuits.
Ludwig: “But do you not admit that the Jesuits have good points?”
Stalin: “Yes, they are systematic and persevering in working to achieve sordid ends. But their principal method is spying, prying, worming their way into people’s souls and outraging their feelings.”
Adolf Hitler
“I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits“, said Hitler. “Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party… I am going to let you in on a secret… I am founding an Order… In my “Burgs” of the Order, we will raise up a youth which will make the world tremble… “

George W. Bush
President George W. Bush sees God when he looks into Pope Benedict XVI’s eyes during an interview in 2008.
And Barack Obama
Following in line with George Bush, Barack Obama is seen bowing to the Pope during their meeting in 2009.
Bread and Circuses Would Still Entertain Us
In his poem called “The Satires: Satire X” Roman poet Juvenal was credited with the phrase “bread and circuses”, entertainment’s distractions from the reality of daily life. The Roman Colosseum had gladiator fights or chariot races. Today we have more civil sports, movies, social media, and video games to entertain us and keep our minds off of things that affect our lives.
And Drugs Would Subdue Potential Revolutionaries
Dr. John Coleman said this on the subject of drug addiction filling the void that unemployment would leave for people: “Having been failed by Christianity, and with unemployment rife on every hand, those who have been without jobs for five years or more, will turn away from the church and seek solace in drugs. By then, full control of the drug trade must be completed in order that the government of all countries who are under our jurisdiction have a monopoly in place which we will control by controlling supplies reaching the market… Drug bars will take care of the unruly and the discontented. Would-be revolutionaries will be turned into harmless addicts with no will of their own…”
The Pope Would Aim for One World Government Through the United Nations
There is speculation that the goal of the Holy See is One World Government. This first attempt at doing this was through the failed League of Nations, the predecessor of the United Nations (UN), that just about has every country in it as a member.
On a slightly unrelated note focused on entertainment Terry Gene Bollea, also known as Hulk Hogan, is the most famous wrestler of all time. Back in ’96 he went over to WCW and was revealed as the third man of the group that came to be known as the New World Order (nWo). WCW started airing their show Nitro on the same date and time slot as Monday Night Raw, later renamed to Raw is War, started the Monday Night Wars, and ultimately a boom period for wrestling in the mid to late ’90s due to the competition over TV viewership ratings that WCW and the WWF had. Eventually everyone ended up joining the nWo in WCW. Interestingly enough, Hulk Hogan is of Italian, or Roman, descent on his father’s side.

And Remove Any of its Opponents
Many suspicious assassinations and deaths have been suspected to be linked to the Jesuit order, such as
- George Washington
- John Adams and Thomas Jefferson on July 4th, 1826
- James Monroe on July 4th, 1831
- William Henry Jackson
- Zachary Taylor
- Abraham Lincoln
- Archduke Franz Ferdinand
- Vladimir Lenin
- General George Patton
- John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK)
- Ronald Reagan, although he survived
Ex-Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera commented on Ronald Reagan and his relationship to the Roman Catholic church and the Jesuit order.
To Honour Their Oath
The Knights of Columbus was founded by Father Michael McGivney, who studied at the Jesuits’ St. Mary’s College, in Montreal, Quebec. He was a serious young scholar that was planning to become a Jesuit. Their connection to the Knights Templar is the common bond to protect and expand the Catholic faith. The oath of the Knights of Columbus can be found in Journals of the 62nd Congress, 3rd Session, of the United States Congressional Record (House Calendar No. 397, Report No. 1523, 15 February, 1913, pp. 3215-3216).